Cardinal Ritter College Prep High School, an Archdiocesan Catholic high school, has been in existence since 1979. From its inception, the mission has been to provide an exceptional educational experience that instills in our students attitudes of success and self-worth through intensive faith-based educational and leadership preparation, designed to fashion all students as productive, accountable, respectful and self-disciplined citizens in the broader community. A fundamental element of the CRCP preparation includes the basic understanding that all life is to be honored and respected, as well as the dignity of fellow human beings.
Since our beginning, we have graduated approximately 3000 students who have successfully moved on to take advantage of numerous opportunities in higher education and various career fields. Our goal has always been to have 100% graduation and college acceptance rates. These goals are accomplished by providing our students the necessary faith foundation, nurturing, support and other tools for success.
We have high expectations of our students. We understand that our students are “young people” on a journey to developing skills needed to become responsible adults. Nonetheless, we insist on a constant commitment to the pursuit of excellence in all aspects of their lives. Our nurturing environment supplies them with the resources to correct imperfections, as they remain committed to CRCP’s mission.
Being a CRCP student and ultimately a graduate has a significant meaning. It is something the school and even more importantly its alumni do not take lightly. Each year at the commencement ceremony, graduates of CRCP are confirmed as attaining all the requirements, goals, and exhibit the characteristics contained in the school’s mission, vision, and core values. The school and its alumni highly value this confirmation. The CRCP diploma is evidence and is a proclamation that graduates understand that they are poised, positioned and called to being “Alive in Christ” as they move forward in their lives; and that they have been empowered by being “enlightened in faith,” “nurtured with compassion,” “enriched by excellence,” and “called to leadership”.
The mission of Cardinal Ritter College Prep High School is to provide an exceptional Catholic educational experience to youth that instills attitudes of success and self-worth through faith development, academic excellence and leadership.
At graduation, through the triple thrust of Academic Excellence, Faith Development, and Leadership Development, young men and women will be able to successfully serve their African-American and global communities.
The Cardinal Ritter College Prep experience helps students develop fully as people: intellectually, spiritually and morally. Our graduates have a strong sense of their worth and dignity and set high goals and expectations for themselves. They will have pride, passion and faith that will build a foundation for successful futures. Students who successfully complete their course of study by attending Cardinal Ritter College Prep are developed through the school’s following core values of being:
Enlightened in Faith
Nurtured with Compassion
Enriched by Excellence
Called to Leadership
Cardinal Ritter College Prep High School graduates are “Aspiring, Inspiring – Empowered by Life!”
For the past several years, 100% of our seniors have graduated and 100% are accepted into the school of their choice. Students may earn up to 18 college credit hours at Cardinal Ritter Prep. Students may participate in the Intern Leadership Program, Christian Service Program, National Honors Society, Golf Club, Book and Breakfast club, Spoken Word Club, and Sisterhood.
Dynamic Community
Cardinal Ritter Prep provides an educational program that prepares students for leadership roles in a multi-ethnic society. Although we are a Catholic high school, our student body represents a wide variety of faiths. The majority of the student body is not Catholic. Our school serves as a magnet, inviting and attracting students who are committed to their education and to becoming the best possible citizen.

701 N Spring Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63108
United States