Ursuline Academy is a wonderful and unique community, in which every member is devoted to leading our young women down a path of success and discovery. The Academy is rooted in the Ursuline values of academic excellence, faith-based leadership, respect for the individual, development of the whole person and our motto of "Serviam, I will serve."
We know that high school will present our students with many opportunities to stretch themselves, to take on new challenges, to explore new ideas, to make new friends and to build a lasting relationship with God. We trust that they will take the risk with confidence, and know that as they do, they are part of a warm community that will support them every step of the way. We are partners with our families throughout high school and beyond graduation day, to transform young women into the leaders they are meant to be in our world.
Ursuline Academy of St. Louis, founded in 1848, and under the sponsorship of the Ursuline Sisters, is a private Catholic college preparatory high school for young women. In a community environment, built on standards of academic excellence and respect for the uniqueness of each person, Ursuline Academy educates students for Christian living and leadership in a global society, nurtures the development of the whole person and her potential, and cultivates within its students a spirit of lifelong service through its motto of SERVIAM, “I will serve.”
We strive to foster the spiritual development and faith formation of our young women, helping them integrate a knowledge and understanding of their faith with experiences to make faith a lived reality. Our theology courses offer a breadth and depth of theological content, balanced with experiential learning to promote understanding while opening our students’ hearts and minds to God. All-school liturgies, faith sharing, retreats, and service opportunities contribute to this development of our students.
Ursuline Academy offers a college-preparatory education driven by the pillars of our graduate profile: Serviam, Academic Excellence, Leadership, Respect for the Individual and Development of the Whole Person. We encourage our students to develop a clear sense of their individual interests, talents and abilities and to use those gifts to impact their community. We offer a variety of courses including, college credit and AP courses in all core subjects, coding, engineering, dance, ceramics, photography, vocal and instrumental instruction.
Dynamic Community
From the moment our Freshman walk onto campus they become part of our sisterhood through our Viaggio Days orientation program. Run by a diverse group of seniors, this program continues throughout the year, including a Big Sis/Little Sis partnership. Every student is encouraged to participate in one or more of our 30 clubs or 14 athletic teams. Her journey at Ursuline ensures she will discover the power within herself to pursue opportunities throughout high school and after graduation.

341 South Sappington Road
St. Louis, MO 63122
United States