St. Charles Borromeo School Community has a collaborative commitment to Catholic education consisting of parents, staff, students, and parish. Our focus is given to promoting a four-fold mission: forming a community of faith, worshiping, proclaiming the message of Jesus, and reaching out in service to others. Therefore, within our environment of service, message, and community, the purpose of St. Charles Borromeo School is: To provide the experience of cooperation through the working and helping of others in all areas of the Christian community. To strive to deepen our love for God through a Church that is relational in everything we do: worship, work, and play. To establish and enrich the reality of living Christian values in serving God, Church, and neighbor. In educating our students our goal is to reach the whole child: the intellectual, moral spiritual, physical, psychological and aesthetic self in a way that prepares each student for the future in a complex, changing society. Therefore, we: Teach according to each child's ability, the skills and appreciation of each subject area. Create an environment that encourages an ongoing enthusiasm for learning. Provide formal and informal learning opportunities which allow students to experience the process of making responsible, loving choices and of living with the consequences of those choices.
Together we come to know and be in relationship with Jesus Christ. Together we participate in Catholic worship. Together we respond with Christian Service. Together we learn through rigorous academic programs Together we worship. Together we serve. Together we learn.
The environment of faith and service present at St. Charles Borromeo has a lifelong effect on the all of the students. Participation in weekly Mass, prayer services and faith based activities provides a stronger sense of service and faith. While faith begins at home, St. Charles Borromeo is truly an extension of the home, providing and environment where students truly learn what it means to live like Christ.
At St. Charles Borromeo we cultivate a love of learning through our individualized curriculum. Our students have the confidence to take on new challenges and become caring and engaged lifelong learners. Students are invited to engage in a multitude of hands-on integrated units of study to deepen their understanding of important and relevant content. An ability to solve complex problems within collaborative and engaging learning environments results in true genuine understanding.
Dynamic Community
Our focus is on educating and inspiring the whole child. Helping students explore their passions, talents and interests is vital. Every child is given the opportunity to shine through the use of differentiated instruction and project based learning. Students may also engage in a wide-range of extra-curricular pursuits to further their knowledge and love of learning. In addition to challenging learners, a tiered intervention model is utilized to assist those in need of additional support.

431 Decatur Street
St. Charles, MO 63301
United States