If you are looking for a Christ-centered quality education for your child, then St. Joseph School is the place to be! We are located just off Interstate 55 about 30 minutes north of Perryville and a bit less than ½ hour south of Festus. We offer small class sizes, which allows us to differentiate instruction for each student. No matter where our students are in their learning, when they come to us we meet them at that point and move forward. As a Catholic school we will assist in the formation of each student.
We have students from Catholic families as well as non-Catholic families. We focus on traditional values, basics of Christianity and integrating faith into everyday life. A survey of our parents showed that they value our loving, caring and supportive environment. They praised our family atmosphere, our Big Brother / Big Sister program received high marks, and school safety was listed as very positive. We have a very strong Patron’s Club and our parish support is second to none.
We firmly believe that it takes an entire village to raise a child. Together we can accomplish great things. We would love to have your child(ren) join our St. Joseph family! If you would like a tour, please call 573-883-5097.
At St. Joseph School, each child grows as a disciple of Jesus, a member of their family, and a strong student through an education centered on Christ and family.
As a school family, our purpose is to help each child grow in faith. With that in mind, we begin each day with group prayer. We attend Mass twice a week with our K-5 students. Our pastor and principal talk frequently with our students about Jesus and His life on earth. Our children are involved in several service projects throughout the school year. Some examples are: Thanksgiving baskets, making holiday cards for our nursing homes and participating in local parades.
Some of the highlights of our academic quality are:
- individualized instruction to meet each child's need
- students are given choices about their learning
- multi-age classrooms, which helps with learning
- each child has his/her own Chromebook for personal use
- each classroom has a smart board to use
- offer weekly art, music and P.E. classes
- low student/teacher ratio
- whole group instruction and small group instruction
Dynamic Community
Our school community has a very active Patron’s Club. Their purpose is to support our school with extra funds to help our children and teachers. They raise funds throughout the school year with such things as liver dumpling cooks and raffles.
Our parish has been and continues to be very strong supporters of our school. Communication with these groups is done through weekly newsletters, parent page and weekly church bulletin. We have several activities throughout the school year that are open to everyone in the parish. The highlight every year is the annual Christmas Play that usually has standing room only.

11822 Zell Road
Ste. Geneveive, MO 63670
United States