Welcome, and thank you for your interest in St. Stephen Protomartyr School!
Since 1927, our school has been an anchor in the Holly Hills neighborhood of south St. Louis. Some of our families are second- and third-generation St. Stephen Protomartyr alumni. Many other families are just beginning the St. Stephen tradition.
We pride ourselves on providing a challenging, faith-filled learning environment as well as a welcoming and diverse community. Our experienced and caring teachers recognize the talents, gifts, and needs of each student. A learning consultant, counselor, and ESL tutor round out our excellent faculty. Qualified students are able to participate in the Title I program.
Our core curriculum and instruction reflect best practices as well as the latest technology. In addition to the core subject areas, music, art, P.E., and Spanish are also taught from kindergarten to 8th grade. Student electives in our upper grades include web design, advanced math, and more.
Tablets are provided for the primary grades; students in 3rd through 8th grades use their own Chromebooks. Classroom learning is enhanced with extracurricular activities such as robotics, Bellarmine Speech, Choral Club, drama, Girls on the Run, Scouts, CYC sports, Science Club, and French club. Some grade levels also participate in Junior Achievement, Dancing Classrooms, and Science in a Tree programs. Our middle school students serve as leaders in the Student Council. This year we are instituting a Junior Honor Society.
Our preschool teachers are certified, and our early childhood curriculum emphasizes kindergarten preparation as well as social and emotional development. The preschool schedule is flexible to meet families’ needs, with part-time and half-day options.
Our students attend Mass weekly in their cohort groups, with the opportunity to participate as lectors cantors, and altar servers.
We offer extended care beyond the school day from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The best way to discover all that St. Stephen Protomartyr School has to offer is to set a time to tour our school. Please call our office at 314-752-4700, schedule at tour at your convenience, or visit us at www.saintstephenstl.org/school to get a glimpse of life here at St. Stephen Protomartyr.
At St. Stephen Protomartyr School we learn, live, and love in a Catholic environment, making a difference in this world by following in Jesus’ footsteps.
Prayer and service are key to keeping connected to God and our fellow humans. Worship and prayer are woven into our daily schedules. Service projects are ongoing throughout the school year. Our Catholic students celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in 2nd Grade, and Sacrament of Confirmation bi-annually in 7th and 8th grades.
We have a diverse student population with various gifts and talents. Our experienced faculty is supported by the latest technology, such as Smart boards in all classrooms and a tablet or Chromebook for each student. Classroom learning is enhanced by an array of extracurricular options, both during and outside of the school day. Choral Club and band are available to expand on our music curriculum. Other school-sponsored extracurriculars include Bellarmine Speech League, Clavius Project Robotics competitions, Science Club, and French Club.
Dynamic Community
Our school enjoys a symbiotic relationship with our wider parish community. Parishioners and school families worship, socialize, and fund raise together. Parishioners and alumni generously support a Tuition Assistance Fund to make our school as accessible as possible.

3929 Wilmington Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63116
United States