Dear Future Warrior,
These next four years of your educational journey will be some of the most important in your life. During your high school years, you begin to grow into the person God created you to be by maturing physically, intellectually, and spiritually. This important growth is highly influenced by the people who are on the journey with you. We, at Valle Catholic, want to join you on this journey! We hope you will consider joining the Valle Catholic family and making this your home for the next four years. We invite you to share in the Valle Catholic experience by visiting our school and meeting the people who will help you succeed in high school and beyond. Please schedule a visit by contacting admissions@valleschools.org.
Founded on faith and rooted in family, Valle Catholic provides an excellent academic education for Pre-K through 12 while developing character, promoting spiritual growth and stewardship, and strengthening Gospel values to enable students to live as model Christians in a changing global community.
Faithful to our Catholic tradition, while welcoming members of every faith, we embrace the tradition of spiritual, intellectual and human formation for each student. Through the formation in and practice of our Catholic faith, we lead students to discover that God's revelation offers every generation the opportunity to discover ultimate Truth and how to live it wholeheartedly.
Our academic success is clearly demonstrated by the readiness of our graduates when they reach college. Through integrated ACT preparation within individual content areas, students are continually honing their skills to perform well in order to achieve admission at the school of their choosing. When a student gets to the college of his or her choice, they lead the pack by way of their readiness across multiple disciplines; colleges know and love a Valle Catholic graduate.
Dynamic Community
At Valle Catholic we believe our diploma represents more than grades on a report card. What success can we claim if we do not produce a well-rounded and socially conscious citizen? On graduation day our students enter a world as marked men and women; sons and daughters of Valle Catholic. In an environment of kindness, compassion, and mutual support, our students develop into men and women of vision in mind, body, and spirit.

40 North Fourth Street
Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670
United States